IIT People Search

Amirsoheil Honarbari

Hardware engineer, Bioengineer and Roboticist
Post Doc
Electronic Design Laboratory
Research center

Amirsoheil Honarbari is a Postdoc Fellow at the Electronic Design Laboratory (EDL) group at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)-Genova.

He received his B.Sc. in power electronics engineering at Tehran Azad University, Iran, in 2014 and his M.Sc. in power electronics engineering at Azad University, Tehran, Iran, in 2018. He was a lecturer at Islamic Azad University and worked at the Power Electronic Lab at Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

Afterward, he completed his Ph.D. in Bioengineering and Robotics in 2024 at the IIT-Genova under the supervision of Dr. Athanassia Athanassiou and Dr. Pietro Cataldi in the smart materials group.

He is interested in hardware engineering, materials for flexible, green electronics, and biopolymer-based composites for soft robotics.


Title: Bachelor of Power Electronics Engineering
Institute: Azad University
Location: Tehran
Country: Iran
From: 2009 To: 2014

Title: Master of Power Electronics Engineering
Institute: Azad University
Location: Tehran
Country: Iran
From: 2015 To: 2018

Title: PhD in Bioengineering and Robotics
Institute: Unige/ IIT
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2021 To: 2024


Title: First Titled in the Robotics Competitions of Sharif University of Technology (Sharif Cup)
Description: null
Date: 28-09-2012

All Publications
Zhang Sh., Yan G., Honarbari A.S., Alnowibet Kh.
Application of multi-optimizer neural network in predicting the time-variant response of the dynamic systems
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
Article Journal
Honarbari A., Cataldi P., Zych A., Merino D., Paknezhad N., Ceseracciu L., Perotto G., Crepaldi M., Athanassiou A.
A Green Conformable Thermoformed Printed Circuit Board Sourced from Renewable Materials
ACS Applied Electronic Materials
Article Journal
Honarbari A., Cataldi P., Athanassiou A.
Bio-based Printed Circuit Board from Renewable Material
16th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE23)
Conference Review Conference
Honarbari A., Cataldi P., Athanassiou A.
Eco-Friendly, Conformable Printed Circuit Board Constructed with Renewably Sourced Materials
17th European Congress and Exhibition of Advanced Materials in Frankfurt (FEMS EUROMAT 2023)
Conference Review Conference
Meng X., Jin J., Honarbari A.S., Sharaf M.
Optimization of time-dependent displacements of the axially graphene nanoplatelets reinforced micro-curved panels via swarm and genetic algorithm approaches
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Article Journal